Do you feel like this? Do you feel as though you would like to stop the merry-go-round of madness, exit the circus and go off to live in a saner, quieter world?
Maybe you feel like this in respect of world events unfolding right now or perhaps there’s something going on for you personally that you wish you didn’t have to deal with.
I can remember many stressful times where it seemed that the easiest thing would be to stop trying to make sense of things or striving to complete a task or prepare for an exam I was dreading or to face attending a challenging event.
At such times, it seems easier to give up or to settle for a quieter life, leaving others to fight the battles and make the decisions.
Have you ever given up at that point and then felt a sense of emptiness and lack of purpose?
So how do you stay on track and avoid falling or jumping off the merry-go-round of life? And find the will to go on despite how things are unfolding.
One answer is to call in your support team and create your bubble of safety.
To know who you can share your doubts and worries with, those who will empathise and yet still encourage you to:
- Be fearless and never give up despite difficulties
- Meet your own and others’ needs in times of crisis
- Stay on the right path and map your journey to success
- Envision and create the future you want to see
When we can come together with others and create a vision for the future, energised by aspiration and yet rooted in the current reality, we can begin to find our way back to the life we want for ourselves and each other.
You will survive, and you
will find purpose in the
chaos. Moving on doesn’t
mean letting go.
– Mary VanHaute –